7/28/05 Some strange art sculptures in a field near where I live. There's actually 3 of these bowling pins and a huge bowling ball that looks like the Earth. This thing is about 7-8 feet tall and is within walking distance of my city's namesake in the background; Castle Rock.
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July 28, 2005
July 24, 2005
7/24/05 When the thistles are blooming the butterflies are all over them. From what I saw, it's only a few weeks time for the thistles to be blooming before they start drying up. Having to navigate in amongst their thorns is a challenge too.
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Karl Peschel
9:10 PM
July 17, 2005
7/17/05 I've played around with shooting Infrared with my Olympus 5050 and my Nikon D70. Not easy and it requires a lot of post processing work to get nice results. This was a color image I just played with in PSCS to get that IR look. Not too bad except for the 'halos' around the leaves.
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Karl Peschel
9:12 PM
July 09, 2005
July 07, 2005
July 03, 2005
7/3/05 So July 3rd was a very productive day for pictures. Took a side road on the way home from Palmer Lake and passed this doe and fawn. The fawn was jumping all around but finally sat still for a little bit. wish I could have gotten a pic of him jumping but all I had were of him landing.
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Karl Peschel
10:23 AM
7/3/05 The upper resevoir near Palmer Lake had this gorgeous green water. I wish I had more time to explore, but the rain clouds rolled in shortly after I got up there and I had to get back to the car. I'll have to plan another trip there.
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Karl Peschel
10:20 AM
7/3/05 As I walked up toward the resevoirs near Palmer Lake I saw a few butterfiles, but they rarely landed. I got luck with this Two-Tailed Swallowtail as I ripped off 10 shots in about 10 seconds. The walk to the top was worth it. Check out the lake shot.
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More rambling posted by
Karl Peschel
10:18 AM