April 25, 2006

04/25/06 Driving on icy and snowy roads can be a real hassle !! After sliding around a corner and losing control (at only 15 MPH) I was stopped by a large, wooden guard rail. I was lucky enough to come home with a little momento from that event!
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April 22, 2006

Ride For a Cure

04/22/06 Ride for the Cure had a promotional event that one of my associates and I shot. A few Bronco cheerleaders were there along with some local firefighters (eye candy for both sexes). We really enjoyed the shoot and so did all who attended.
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April 16, 2006

Mountain Bluebird

04/16/06 The nest boxes up at Daniel's Park are being occupied by a few Mountain Bluebirds. Here's one gather materials for the nest.
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